MsCat's Articles
March 8, 2004 by MsCat
Occasionally you come across someone who, within moments of meeting them you feel an affinity to; you feel as though you understand them and, even more inportantly, they seem to understand you. These people are to be cherished. I am privileged to know three people who fall into this category (not that I want to sound like I am creating a catalogue of friends)..but all three have shown me more about myself than I could possibly do on my own. Don't get me wrong, I have quite a few friends who ...
March 8, 2004 by MsCat
Feel free to wander in...make yourself comfortable and share some of my life with me. I can't offer any guarantees - after all, my life is, on the whole, pretty average - but it's the only one I have and you never know, there might be parts of it which interest you. Laugh if you want to laugh, cry if you want to cry but make sure you feel something. Welcome to my life.....